Departure Rapture
10:00 AM May 22nd, the year of our Lord 2020 Since my departure on December 30th, 2019 and our vessel starting its new job January 3rd, 2020 a significant downturn has occurred. Many may know it by its true name, SOLAR MINIMUM. Mardi Gras 2020, and the date of my last post, marked my arrival back in the states. Although, not since my venture from The End of the World, aka Fun del Mundo, where my celestial Eagle now awaits me have I really sat down to contemplate the science of my voyage. I rode on Float UA4247 passenger side all the way to Lafayette, LA, USA and not a single rider has really ridden since the week that ended in Friday March 13th, 2020. I will get to why planes are grounded later. (Corona protocol dictated I be sent to Star Medica Hospital in V...